The e-Swabhimani Award process is being conducted along the lines of the World Summit which is the global follow-up initiative of the United Nations World Summit on Information Society and the e-Swabhimani award is a stepping stone to other regional and international awards. It is expected that national recognition would spur a greater interest in leveraging ICT for the social and economic development of the country. To achieve this national goal, the ICT Agency of Sri Lanka implements e-Swabhimani, the National Best e-Content Award with the aim of recognizing the creativity and skills of local digital content and application developers. Today, Sri Lanka is on a strategic path, aiming to become a digitally inclusive nation. Digital content also plays a vital role as ICT has become a part of life for all human beings throughout the world. ICT is used for achieving business goals as well as macro development goals owing to its transformative power.

Information Communication Technology (ICT) has become an essential industry in today’s world, since it provides an overarching enabling platform for the human development process.